Make An Enquiry

May 1 – The Sacred Web of Life

The body is one, even though it has many parts; all the parts—many though they are—comprise a single body. And so it is with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12)

As we walk through the bush, we encounter the intricate web of life woven by the diverse flora and fauna. The majestic eucalyptus tree stands tall, its leaves providing shelter and sustenance to countless creatures. The humble wattle, with its vibrant yellow blossoms, enriches the soil and nourishes the ecosystem. Each plant and animal plays a unique role, yet they are all interconnected, forming a harmonious whole.

In the spirit of Saint Francis, we recognise that all of creation is imbued with the Divine. Just as the various parts of our body work together in unity, so too are we called to embrace our connection to all living beings. We are not separate from nature, but an integral part of this sacred web of life. By honouring the interconnectedness and relationships within creation, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of our place in the world and our relationship with the Divine.


1. How can I cultivate a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness of all life, recognising the sacred in the everyday?

2. In what ways can I nurture relationships that honour the unique gifts and contributions of each individual, while fostering a sense of unity and belonging?


Divine Creator, help me to see the sacred web of life that surrounds me. May I embrace my interconnectedness with all of creation and nurture relationships that reflect your love and unity.


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