May 11 – The Garden of God’s Kindom
Let the children come to me; do not stop them. It is to just such as these that the kindom of God belongs. The truth is, whoever doesn’t welcome the kindom of God as a little child won’t enter it. (Mark 10:13-14)
Observing a child in a garden, one is struck by their innate sense of wonder and awe. They delight in the smallest details – a ladybug crawling on a leaf, the soft petals of a flower, or the way sunlight dances through the branches. For a child, the garden is a magical place, full of beauty and surprises. This childlike wonder is a perfect embodiment of the Franciscan spirit of humility, reminding us to approach life with an open heart and a deep reverence for all of creation.
By recognising the interconnectedness of all things, we are called to embrace our place in the grand tapestry of life. By letting go of our pride and preconceptions, we open ourselves to the wisdom and grace that permeates the world around us. This is the essence of God’s “kindom” – not a hierarchy of power and dominance, but a sacred web of relationships, where all beings are valued and cherished. As we cultivate a childlike sense of humility and awe, we find ourselves drawn ever deeper into this kindom, discovering the divine presence in every moment and every encounter.
1. How can I nurture a sense of childlike wonder in my daily life, finding joy and beauty in the simple things and the world around me?
2. In what ways can I practice humility, letting go of my ego and opening my heart to the wisdom and grace that flows through all of creation?
Loving Creator, help me to embrace the wonder and humility of a child, recognising the sacred in all things. Guide me to let go of my pride and preconceptions, so that I may fully participate in the kindom of love and interconnectedness. May I always remain open to Your presence and wisdom, discovered anew in each moment.