Make An Enquiry

May 14 – The Eternal Coherence

“Before anything was created, Christ existed, and all things hold together in Christ.” (Colossians 1:17)

In the timeless expanse of eternity, Christ stands as the unifying force that binds all of creation together. Like the delicate balance of an ecosystem, where honeybees pollinate wildflowers, enabling life to flourish, all things find their coherence and purpose in Christ.

Franciscan spirituality embraces this profound understanding of Christ as the centre and source of all life. It recognises the sacred presence that permeates every atom of the universe, from the tiniest microorganism to the vast galaxies that stretch across the cosmos. By attuning our hearts to this fundamental truth, we begin to perceive the world not as a collection of disparate and disconnected parts, but as a unified whole, pulsating with the love and wisdom of the Divine. This transformative perspective invites us to approach all of creation with reverence, wonder, and a deep sense of interconnectedness.

1. How can I deepen my awareness of Christ’s presence in all things, and find comfort in the eternal coherence that holds the world together?

2. In what ways can I contribute to the harmony and balance of the world around me, recognising my role in the interconnected web of life?


Loving Christ, help me to trust in the eternal coherence that You bring to all of creation. May I find peace in the knowledge that all things are held together in Your love, and may I strive to live in harmony with all beings.



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