June 14 – Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
Beloved, let us love one another because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten of God and has knowledge of God. (1 John 4:7)
In the rich tapestry of Australia’s ecosystems, the banksia flower stands as a profound symbol of diversity and interconnectedness. Each species, with its distinct shape and colour, enriches the landscape, drawing a variety of pollinators—from birds to insects—each playing a vital role in the ecosystem. This natural harmony mirrors the divine invitation to embrace diversity and inclusion. Just as the banksia flourishes through its interactions with different species, we too are called to love and include one another, recognising the unique gifts and perspectives each person brings. This interconnectedness is a reflection of divine love, where every act of love and inclusion deepens our understanding of the sacred. In this way, the banksia teaches us that true harmony and beauty arise from our willingness to engage with and celebrate the diversity that surrounds us.
1. How can I embrace and celebrate the diversity in my community today?
2. In what ways can I show love and inclusion to those who are different from me?
Loving Creator, help me to see the beauty in diversity and to extend love and inclusion to all. May my actions reflect the interconnectedness of all creation.