Make An Enquiry

June 15 -The Unassuming Guardians

Many who are first will be last and the last will be first. (Matthew 19:30)

In the vibrant tapestry of the coral reef, an unassuming creature emerges as a guardian of life – the humble sea cucumber. These often overlooked creatures consume decaying organic matter and have been called the garbage collectors of the sea. Yet they play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of their ecosystem. Just as the sea cucumbers’ humble existence sustains the very foundation of the reef, the passage reminds us that true greatness lies not in worldly accolades but in the quiet acts of service and stewardship.

In this sacred dance of life, we are called to shed our preconceptions and embrace the transformative power of the “last,” for it is in their unassuming presence that we may find the keys to a more just and sustainable world.

1. In what areas of my life have I overlooked or underestimated the power of the “unassuming” or “insignificant”?
2. How can I embrace the paradox of strength in weakness, recognising the profound impact of those deemed “last”?

Gracious Presence, open my eyes to the unassuming guardians. Help me shed preconceptions and embrace the power of those deemed insignificant.

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