July 7 – Unveiling Our Authentic Selves

Don’t conform yourselves to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your minds, so that you can judge what God’s will is—what is good, pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2)
In the heart of the Australian outback, the frill-necked lizard stands as a testament to authenticity. This remarkable creature doesn’t attempt to conform to its surroundings or change its appearance to fit in. Instead, it simply exists as it was created, unfurling its magnificent frill only when necessary. This natural authenticity echoes the spiritual call to embrace our true selves, shedding the masks society often demands we wear.
The journey towards authenticity aligns with the teachings of simplicity and genuine living. It’s not about reinventing ourselves, but rather peeling away the layers of external expectations to reveal the core qualities bestowed upon us by our Creator. This process of renewal allows us to align with our divine nature, enabling us to recognise and embody what is truly good, pleasing, and perfect in God’s eyes. By embracing our authentic selves, we can live in harmony with divine will, fulfilling our unique purpose in creation.
1. How have I conformed to societal expectations at the expense of my authentic self?
2. In what ways can I renew my mind to better discern God’s will for my life?
Divine Creator, grant me the courage to embrace my authentic self and the wisdom to discern Your will. May I find the strength to shed societal masks and live in alignment with Your divine purpose for my life.
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