Make An Enquiry

July 13 – Nature’s Intricate Choreography

Above all else, put on love, which binds the rest together and makes them perfect. (Colossians 3:14)

In the bustling world beneath our feet, a beautiful dance unfolds between the humble ant and the majestic wattle tree. This relationship, known as myrmecochory, exemplifies the profound interconnectedness of all creation. The wattle tree produces seeds with a nutrient-rich attachment, an offering to the ants. In turn, the ants carry these seeds to their nests, dispersing them across the landscape. This mutual act of giving and receiving mirrors the divine love that binds all things together in perfect harmony.

Like the ant and the wattle, we too are called to participate in this cosmic dance of love. By recognising our interdependence with all beings, we embody the spirit of universal kinship. This awareness invites us to move beyond our individual concerns and embrace a wider perspective, seeing the world as a tapestry of relationships woven together by love. In doing so, we align ourselves with the divine rhythm that pulses through all of creation, binding us together in perfect unity.


1. How can I more fully embrace the interconnectedness of all beings in my daily life?

2. In what ways am I being called to participate in the ‘dance of love’ within my community and the wider world?


Divine Choreographer, help me to recognise the intricate dance of love that surrounds me. Guide my steps so that I may move in harmony with all of creation, embodying the love that binds us all together.


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