Make An Enquiry

July 14 – Symbiotic Dance

Just as each of us has one body with many members—and these members don’t have the same function— so all of us, in union with Christ, form one body. And as members of that one body, we belong to each other. (Romans 12:4-5)

In the vibrant ecosystems of coral reefs, a beautiful dance of interconnectedness unfolds. The coral trout, a dominant predator, allows tiny fish called cleaner wrasse to enter its mouth and gills, removing harmful parasites. This mutually beneficial relationship echoes the profound truth of our scripture: diverse members, each with unique functions, forming one harmonious body. The coral trout and cleaner wrasse, despite their vast differences, recognise their interdependence and embrace it fully.

This symbiotic relationship in nature reflects the divine wisdom woven into the fabric of creation. It invites us to see ourselves as part of a greater whole, where our individual gifts contribute to the flourishing of all. Like the humble cleaner wrasse, we are called to serve others with our unique abilities, recognising that in doing so, we serve the entire body of Christ. This interconnectedness reminds us of our fundamental unity with all creation, a cornerstone of spiritual wisdom that sees God’s presence in every creature, every relationship, every act of mutual care.

1. How can I more fully recognise and appreciate the unique gifts of others in my community, even those who seem different from me?
2. In what ways can I offer my own gifts in service to the greater ‘body’ of my community, workplace, or ecosystem?

Divine Creator, open my eyes to the intricate web of relationships that surround me. Help me to recognise my place in this grand tapestry of life, and to serve others with the unique gifts You have given me.


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