Make An Enquiry

August 3 – Navigating by Faith

Don’t judge, and you won’t be judged. Don’t condemn, and you won’t be condemned. Pardon, and you’ll be pardoned. (Luke 6:37)

The Australian swift parrot, with its vibrant colours and small stature, embarks on a remarkable journey each year, migrating from Tasmania to mainland Australia. Despite the vast distances and challenges they face, these tiny parrots navigate with unwavering certainty, guided by an innate wisdom that transcends their physical appearance. In a similar way, the path of faith calls us to look beyond surface-level judgments and to trust in the inherent goodness and potential within every living being.

The swift parrot’s remarkable journey serves as a powerful reminder not to underestimate or judge others. We are encouraged to approach all of creation with compassion and understanding. By choosing forgiveness over condemnation, we open ourselves to the transformative power of grace, which has the ability to heal wounds and bridge divides. In the intricate tapestry of life, every creature, regardless of size or appearance, plays a unique and essential role in the grand design of the universe.


1. How can I practice seeing beyond appearances and extending compassion to those I might otherwise judge or condemn?

2. What can the swift parrot’s migration teach me about trusting in my own inner guidance and the plans that the Divine has for my life?


Divine Creator, help me to navigate life’s journey with the same faith and resilience as the swift parrot. May I learn to pardon freely, to see the sacred in all beings, and to trust in the unfolding of Your loving plan.


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