Make An Enquiry

October 28 – Unity

Do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the peace that binds you together. (Ephesians 4:3)

The Murray-Darling Basin, a vast network of interconnected waterways, stands as a testament to the delicate balance and unity found in the natural world. This intricate system supports a rich tapestry of flora and fauna, each element playing a vital role in maintaining the overall health and harmony of the ecosystem. The rivers, streams, and wetlands work together, distributing water and nutrients to sustain life throughout the basin. In this complex web of relationships, the well-being of one species is inextricably linked to the well-being of all.

Similarly, the spiritual principle of unity calls us to recognise our interconnectedness and the importance of preserving harmony within our communities. Just as the Murray-Darling Basin thrives when its components work together, we too are called to nurture the bonds that bind us, fostering peace and understanding among diverse individuals. By valuing the unique contributions of each person and working towards a common goal, we create a resilient and flourishing community that mirrors the beauty and balance found in nature.


  1. How can I actively contribute to fostering unity and peace within my community, recognising the value of each individual’s unique gifts and perspectives?

  2. In what ways can I draw inspiration from the interconnectedness of the natural world to cultivate a deeper sense of belonging and purpose in my own life?


Divine Creator, may I always strive to preserve the unity of the Spirit, nurturing the bonds of peace that connect me to all of creation. Grant me the wisdom to recognise the sacred interconnectedness that underlies all life, and the courage to work towards harmony and understanding in my community.


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