Make An Enquiry

October 25 – Wellspring of Life

The Great Artesian Basin, a vast underground reservoir, sustains life in the arid outback. This hidden wellspring nourishes the land, enabling plants to grow, animals to thrive, and human communities to flourish in an inhospitable environment. It reminds us of the life-giving essence of water, without which Earth would be barren. Just as the Artesian Basin is largely unseen yet vital, the spiritual foundation of our lives often lies beneath the surface, quietly sustaining us through challenges.

Similarly, the creation account in Genesis highlights water’s pivotal role in forming the heavens and the earth. God’s spirit hovered over the waters, bringing forth life and setting creation in motion. This truth, echoed in 2 Peter 3:5, reminds us of water’s profound spiritual significance as a building block of life. Contemplating its essential nature, we recognise our deep connection to the source of all life, both in the natural world and our faith.


  1. How can I cultivate a deeper appreciation for the life-giving presence of water in my daily life, recognising it as a sacred gift?

  2. In what ways can I trust in the unseen spiritual foundation that sustains me, even in times of difficulty or doubt?


Creator of all, help me to recognise your life-giving presence in the world around me, and to trust in the unseen wellspring of your love that sustains me through all of life’s challenges.

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