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November 5 – Journey Home

While still a long way off, the father caught sight of the returning child and was deeply moved. The father ran out to meet him, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

Each year, the Short-tailed Shearwaters embark on an extraordinary journey, spanning vast oceans from the Bering Sea to the shores of Australia. Guided by an innate compass, these resilient birds navigate through storms and currents, their wings carrying them thousands of miles to reach their nesting grounds. Their unwavering determination to return home mirrors the profound spiritual truth of God’s unconditional love and the universal longing for connection and belonging.

Just as the Shearwaters are drawn to their ancestral nesting sites, the human soul yearns to find its way back to the Divine source of love. The parable of the prodigal son beautifully illustrates this spiritual homecoming. Despite the distance and the mistakes made along the way, the father’s love remains steadfast, eagerly awaiting the return of the child. This unwavering love is a reflection of the Divine compassion that welcomes us home, no matter how far we may have strayed.


  1. In what ways do I feel distant or disconnected from the love and grace of the Divine? What steps can I take to begin my own journey of spiritual homecoming?

  2. How can I cultivate a deeper sense of belonging and connection in my life, both with the Divine and with the people and world around me?


Divine Love, guide me on my journey home to You. Help me to trust in Your unwavering compassion and to find solace in the knowledge that I am always welcome in Your embrace.

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