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December 11 – Salvation’s Reach

Jesus said to the tax collector, “Today salvation has come to this house, for this is what it means to be a descendant of Sarah and Abraham.” (Luke 19:9-10)

The Cartwheel Galaxy is a stunning testament to the intricate beauty and expansive nature of God’s creation. Its spiral arms, adorned with vibrant hues, remind us that the Divine’s handiwork extends far beyond the confines of our earthly existence. In the same way, Jesus’ words to the tax collector reveal that salvation is not limited to a select few but is available to all who open their hearts to God’s transformative love.

Just as the Cartwheel Galaxy’s complex structure emerges from the interplay of countless stars, gases, and cosmic forces, our spiritual journey is shaped by the intricate tapestry of our experiences, relationships, and encounters with the Divine. We are reminded that even in the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, God’s grace is always present, inviting us to embrace our identity as beloved children of the Divine and to extend that love to others, just as Jesus did with the tax collector.


  1. How can I open my heart to recognise and receive God’s all-encompassing love and salvation in my life?

  2. In what ways can I extend God’s transformative love to others, especially those who may feel unworthy or marginalized?


Divine Creator, may I always remain in awe of the beauty and intricacy of Your creation, both in the heavens above and in the hearts of all people. Guide me to embrace Your all-encompassing love and to share it with others, so that all may know the joy of Your salvation.

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