Make An Enquiry

December 16 – Unconditional Love

With that, the younger son set off for home. While still a long way off, the father caught sight of the returning child and was deeply moved. (Luke 15:20)

The Red-necked Stint, a tiny shorebird, embarks on a remarkable journey each year from the tundra of Siberia to the coastal wetlands of Australia. Despite the vast distances and the challenges it faces along the way, the Red-necked Stint remains steadfast in its course, guided by an innate trust in the path that leads it home. In a similar manner, the prodigal son, after a period of wandering and self-discovery, sets his heart towards home, drawn by the unwavering love and acceptance of his father.

The father’s response to his son’s return is a powerful testament to the nature of unconditional love. Even while the son is still far off, the father catches sight of him and is deeply moved, filled with compassion and joy at the prospect of his child’s homecoming. The father’s love is not contingent upon the son’s actions or worthiness, but rather flows freely from a heart that sees beyond the surface and embraces the inherent value and potential within each person. This love, which mirrors the divine love that permeates all of creation, invites us to return home to our true selves, knowing that we are always welcome and accepted, regardless of our past mistakes or present struggles.


  1. In what ways have I experienced the unconditional love and acceptance of the divine, and how can I extend that same love to myself and others?

  2. What fears or doubts hold me back from fully embracing the journey home to my authentic self, and how can I trust in the guiding presence of love to lead me forward?


Loving Presence, may I rest in the assurance of your unconditional acceptance, trusting that no matter where my path may lead, your love always welcomes me home.

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