Make An Enquiry

December 26 – Wellspring of Life

But those who drink the water I give them will never be thirsty; no, the water I give will become fountains within them, springing up to provide eternal life. (John 4:14)

Deep beneath the arid surface of Australia’s outback lies a hidden treasure—the Great Artesian Basin. This vast underground aquifer stretches across much of inland Australia, providing life-sustaining water to an otherwise parched landscape. Through an intricate network of interconnected reservoirs and springs, the Basin supplies the essential element for survival in a harsh environment. The presence of this unseen, yet vital resource beneath the surface invites reflection on the spiritual life.

Just as the Great Artesian Basin is a constant source of water in the desert, the living water that Jesus offers is an ever-present wellspring. In a world that often feels barren and dry, this inner fountain continually springs forth, offering refreshment and renewal. Like the hidden waters that sustain the Australian wilderness, the source of this living water may not always be visible on the surface, but its presence is felt in the flourishing of the spirit. By tapping into this divine aquifer through prayer, contemplation, and acts of love, one discovers an inexhaustible supply of grace, hope, and resilience, even amidst life’s most challenging landscapes.


  1. What are the dry, barren places in my life that are thirsting for the living water of the Spirit?

  2. How can I create space in my day to tap into the wellspring of God’s presence and allow it to nourish my soul?


Divine Wellspring, may I drink deeply from the living water You offer, trusting that it will sustain me through life’s deserts and lead me to eternal refreshment in Your presence.

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