December 29 – Cornerstone of Creation
The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. (Matthew 21:42)
In the depths of Tasmania’s marine ecosystems, the Spotted Handfish is nearly extinct due to habitat loss. This fish, once overlooked and disregarded, is now recognised as a crucial indicator of the overall health and balance of the aquatic environment. Similarly, in the grand tapestry of creation, what may initially appear insignificant or even rejected often holds a vital role in maintaining the intricate equilibrium of life.
The Spotted Handfish reflects the principle of embracing the overlooked and marginalised. In the eyes of the Divine, every creature, every element of creation, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant, plays a sacred part in the interconnected web of existence. By recognising the inherent value and purpose in all things, even those that have been “rejected,” we align ourselves with the inclusive and compassionate nature of the Creator.
In what ways have I overlooked or dismissed the value of certain aspects of my life, and how can I begin to recognise their significance?
How can I cultivate a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and embrace the wisdom found in the marginalised or rejected?
Divine Creator, help me to see the sacred worth in all of creation, especially in that which is often overlooked or rejected. Guide me to be an instrument of compassion and understanding, celebrating the unique role each element plays in the grand tapestry of life.