Make An Enquiry

December 30 – Purple Swamphen

You, then, are the body of Christ, and each of you is a member of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

In the wetlands of Kakadu National Park, the Purple Swamphen plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem. This vibrant bird feeds on the aquatic plants and algae, keeping their growth in check. In turn, the plants provide shelter and nourishment for the swamphen and countless other species. Each component of this intricate web of life is essential, and the removal of even one could lead to a cascade of consequences that would reshape the entire landscape.

Just as the Purple Swamphen has a specific purpose within its ecosystem, so too does each member of the body of Christ. We are all uniquely gifted and called to serve in ways that contribute to the overall health and harmony of our spiritual community. When we embrace our roles and work together in interdependence, we create a beautiful tapestry that reflects the love and grace of the Divine. Let us celebrate the diversity of our gifts and the unity of our purpose, knowing that we are all integral parts of a greater whole.


  1. What unique gifts and talents has the Divine bestowed upon me, and how can I use them to serve the communities I’m involved with?

  2. In what ways can I cultivate a deeper appreciation for the contributions of others, recognising that we are all essential members of the body of Christ?


Divine Creator, help me to discern my purpose within the body of Christ and to use my gifts in service to others. May I always recognise the inherent value and importance of each member within the community.

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