Make An Enquiry

December 3 – Coral Companions

What should be our response? Simply this: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

In the clear waters of Australia’s Ningaloo Reef, a remarkable partnership unfolds. Vibrant coral polyps and microscopic algae intertwine their lives in an intricate dance of symbiosis. The algae, nestled within the coral’s tissues, harness sunlight to create nourishment for their hosts. In return, the coral provides a safe haven and essential nutrients for the algae. This mutually beneficial relationship allows both organisms to thrive in an environment that would otherwise prove challenging, if not impossible, for either to navigate alone.

This exquisite example from the natural world mirrors a profound spiritual truth: when we open ourselves to God’s unconditional love, we become empowered to form relationships that uplift and sustain us. By embracing the love that God freely offers, we become part of a sacred symbiosis – one that enables us to flourish and grow in ways we never could in isolation.



  1. How can I cultivate a deeper awareness of God’s presence and love in my life, even amidst challenges and change?

  2. In what ways can I nurture relationships that are mutually supportive and life-giving, reflecting the symbiosis found in nature?


Divine Love, help me to trust in Your unwavering presence and support. Guide me to form connections that allow me to thrive and grow, secure in the knowledge that with You by my side, I can weather any storm.

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