January 24 – Bearing Fruit
My Abba will be glorified if you bear much fruit and thus prove to be my disciples. (John 15:8)
In the outback, the Quandong tree stands as a testament to the power of bearing fruit. This resilient native plant produces vibrant red edible fruits that not only catch the eye but also provide sustenance for a wide array of wildlife. The Quandong’s fruit is a gift that nourishes and sustains life in the harsh desert environment.
Similarly, when we bear the fruit of love, compassion, and kindness, we glorify the Divine and nourish those around us. Just as the Quandong tree’s fruit is a result of its deep roots, strong branches, and intricate relationship with its environment, our spiritual fruits are born from our deep connection to the sacred, our strong faith, and our complex interactions with the world around us. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of our lives, we are called to be like the Quandong tree—rooted in love, reaching out to others, and bearing fruit that brings glory to the Divine and nourishment to all.
How can I cultivate a deeper connection with the sacred to bear fruit that glorifies the Divine?
In what ways can I nourish others through the fruit of my actions and words today?
Creator God, May I be rooted in love and bear fruit that brings glory to the Divine and nourishment to all those I encounter.