Make An Enquiry

January 26 – Interdependence

That’s why I tell you, don’t worry about your livelihood, what you are to eat or drink or wear. Isn’t life more than just food? Isn’t the body more than just clothes? (Matthew 6:25)

The Tasmanian Pygmy Possum, a tiny creature weighing merely 7 grams, plays a crucial role in the pollination of Banksia flowers. As it feeds on the nectar, the possum inadvertently collects and distributes pollen, enabling the reproduction and survival of the Banksia species. This interdependent relationship serves as a powerful reminder that life is more than individual sustenance; it is a complex tapestry of connections and mutual support.

In the same way, our spiritual journey is not merely about personal fulfilment or the pursuit of material needs. As outlined in Matthew 6:25, life is more than food and clothing. True abundance lies in recognising our interconnectedness with all of creation and nurturing those relationships. Just as the Tasmanian Pygmy Possum and the Banksia rely on each other for survival, we too are called to support and uplift one another, finding meaning and purpose in the web of life.


  1. How can I shift my focus from individual worries and desires to a deeper understanding of my place in the interconnected web of life?

  2. In what ways can I nurture and support the relationships that sustain me, both in my immediate circle and in the broader community of creation?


Divine Source of all life, help me to see beyond my individual concerns and recognise the importance of the intricate connections that bind all of creation together. May I find joy and purpose in nurturing these relationships and in supporting the flourishing of all beings.


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