Make An Enquiry

January 27 – Interconnectedness

Fear not, little flock, for it has pleased your Abba to give you the kindom. (Luke 12:32)

(The Inclusive Bible translation uses ‘kindom’ rather than ‘kingdom’ to acknowledge our kinship with all of God’s creation.)

The Leeuwin Current, a powerful oceanic flow, brings warm tropical waters down the Western Australian coast, nurturing and sustaining a rich tapestry of marine life. This remarkable phenomenon serves as a beautiful reminder of the interconnectedness and mutual support that exists within the kindom of all creation. Just as the current carries life-giving warmth and nutrients to the diverse array of organisms in its path, so too does the love of the Divine flow through all beings.

In the face of life’s uncertainties and challenges, it is easy to succumb to fear and anxiety. However, the message of Luke 12:32 offers a profound reassurance: Abba, with infinite wisdom and compassion, has already bestowed upon us the kindom – a sacred web of relationships that encompasses all of creation. By recognising and embracing our place within this kindom, we can find solace, strength, and a deep sense of belonging. Just as the marine life along the Western Australian coast thrives through the interconnectedness fostered by the Leeuwin Current, we too can flourish by opening our hearts to the flow of Divine love and the kinship that binds us all together.


  1. How can I cultivate a deeper awareness of my interconnectedness with all beings, both human and non-human?

  2. In what ways can I allow the flow of Divine love to nourish and sustain me during times of fear or uncertainty?


Divine Abba, help me to trust in the kindom you have bestowed upon us. May I open my heart to the sacred web of relationships that connects me to all of creation, finding solace, strength, and belonging in the midst of life’s challenges.


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