January 28 – Letting Go
Those who try to save their lives will lose them, and those who lose their lives will save them. (Luke 17:33)
Yellow Buttons, a native Australian wildflower, offers a powerful lesson in the beauty of interconnectedness. As each flower releases its seeds, equipped with a delicate parachute of fine hairs, they surrender to the wind, becoming part of a larger tapestry of life. The seeds float effortlessly, carried by the breeze to new places where they can take root and flourish.
In our individualistic society, we often cling to the illusion of separateness, striving to maintain control over our lives and protect our self-interests. Yet, the wisdom of the Yellow Buttons invites us to release our grip on this ego-driven existence and embrace the communal life of interconnectedness. By letting go of our attachment to the self, we open ourselves to the flow of Divine love that binds all things together. We begin to see ourselves as part of a greater whole, recognising that our true nature is not separate, but intimately connected to all of creation. In losing our individualistic lives, we paradoxically find our true life in the grandeur of all creation.
1. In what ways am I holding onto an individualistic mindset, and how is this preventing me from experiencing deeper connections with others and the world around me?
2. How can I cultivate a greater sense of interconnectedness in my daily life, and what practices can help me let go of my attachment to the self?
Loving Creator, help me to release my grip on the illusion of separateness and embrace the truth of our interconnectedness. Grant me the grace to let go of my individualistic life and find my true home in the communal life with all creation.