Make An Enquiry

January 13 – Justice and Flourishing

Seek first God’s reign, and God’s justice, and all these things will be given to you besides. (Matthew 6:33)

In the intricate web of life, every creature plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems. From the tiny microorganisms in the soil to the majestic trees stretching towards the sky, each element is interconnected and interdependent. When one part of the web suffers, the ripple effects are felt throughout the entire system. Similarly, when we seek God’s justice and prioritise the well-being of all creation, we contribute to the flourishing of the whole.

Just as a healthy forest depends on the diversity and cooperation of its inhabitants, a thriving society requires the active participation of all its members in the pursuit of justice. By advocating for the rights of the marginalised and oppressed, we mirror God’s heart for the vulnerable and help to create an environment where all can prosper. In this way, seeking God’s reign and justice becomes the foundation for the abundance and provision promised in Matthew 6:33.


  1. How can I become more attuned to the interconnectedness of all life and use this awareness to guide my actions towards justice and compassion?

  2. In what ways can I advocate for the rights of the vulnerable and marginalised in my community, recognising that their well-being is intimately tied to the flourishing of all?


Divine Creator, open my eyes to the intricate web of life and inspire me to seek Your justice and reign in all that I do. May my actions contribute to the flourishing of all creation.

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