Make An Enquiry

February 11 – Shaped by Living Water

I have told you all this, that in me you may find peace. You will suffer in the world. But take courage! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

The Jenolan Caves in New South Wales are a testament to the transformative power of water and time. Over millions of years, the steady flow of water has carved intricate limestone formations, creating a breathtaking underground landscape. The caves remind us that hard substances can be shaped and moulded by the persistent, gentle touch of living water.

In our spiritual lives, we often face trials and challenges that can feel overwhelming. However, just as water shapes the limestone caves, these difficult experiences can shape us into something beautiful when we find peace and perseverance in our faith. By trusting in the Divine presence that flows through us, we can navigate the twists and turns of life’s journey with courage and grace. As we surrender to the transformative power of living water, we discover that even the darkest caverns of our lives can become spaces of wonder and growth.


  1. What challenges am I currently facing that feel like dark, uncharted caves in my life?

  2. How can I open myself to the transformative power of living water, allowing it to shape me into something beautiful?


Divine Presence, help me find peace and courage in the midst of life’s trials. May I trust in the transformative power of Your love, allowing it to shape me into a vessel of Your light.

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