Make An Enquiry

February 12 – Embracing Vulnerability

The truth is, unless you change and become like little children, you will not enter the kindom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)

(The Inclusive Bible translation uses ‘kindom’ to reflect our kinship with all of creation.)

In the Australian outback, a tiny, hairless, and blind joey emerges from its mother’s womb and crawls into the safety of her pouch. For months, the joey remains utterly dependent on its mother for nourishment, warmth, and protection as it gradually grows and develops. This beautiful image from nature illustrates a spiritual truth: to undergo genuine transformation, we must embrace vulnerability and trust in the Divine’s nurturing presence.

Just as the joey is dependent on its mother’s care, we too are called to let go of our self-reliance and open ourselves to the transformative power of the Divine. This process can be uncomfortable, as it requires us to acknowledge our weaknesses and limitations. However, it is precisely in this space of vulnerability that we create room for the Divine to work within us, gradually reshaping our hearts and minds to reflect the childlike qualities of wonder, trust, and openness that Jesus spoke of.


  1. How can I cultivate a greater willingness to be vulnerable before the Divine, trusting in God’s loving guidance and protection?

  2. In what areas of my life do I need to surrender control and rely more fully on the transformative power of the Divine?


Divine Nurturer, help me to embrace the vulnerability necessary for true transformation. Like a joey in its mother’s pouch, may I find comfort and strength in Your loving presence as You guide me towards a faith rooted in a stronger dependance on You.

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