Make An Enquiry

February 13 – Trusting in Divine Care

Cast all your cares on God, who cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

In Kakadu National Park, a remarkable transformation takes place each year. As the wet season arrives, the parched landscape gives way to vibrant, life-filled wetlands. The once-dry plains become a haven for countless species of birds, fish, and other creatures, all thriving in the abundance provided by the seasonal rains. This cyclical pattern of renewal and growth serves as a powerful reminder of how the Divine’s care can manifest in the natural world.

However, for those of us who may be experiencing hardships, it can be challenging to feel the Divine’s care in our lives. During these times, we can remember that the Divine’s love is not always evident in the way we might expect. In these moments, we are invited to trust that the Divine is still present, working in ways we may not yet understand. By holding onto hope and fostering mutualistic relationships in our communities, we can open ourselves to the possibility of renewal and growth, even amidst the challenges we face.


  • How can I maintain hope and trust in the Divine’s care, even when facing hardships or struggles in my life?

  • What lessons can I learn from the cycles of nature to help me navigate the seasons of abundance and scarcity in my own journey?


Divine Source of all life, help me to trust in Your constant presence and care, even when I cannot feel it. Grant me the strength to find balance and hope in the face of adversity, knowing that, like the wetlands of Kakadu, renewal will come.

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