Make An Enquiry

February 16 – Nature’s Complexity

Notice how the flowers grow. They neither labor nor weave, yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was robed like one of these! (Luke 12:27)

The intricate beauty of the Banksia flower is a testament to the divine artistry woven into the fabric of creation. Its complex flower spikes and precise arrangement of individual florets showcase a mathematical perfection that emerges effortlessly from the heart of nature. This exquisite design reminds us that the Divine’s handiwork is a manifestation of the inherent complexity and beauty that underlies all of life.

Just as the Banksia flower grows and unfolds according to its innate pattern, we too are called to trust in the unfolding of our lives according to the Divine’s loving design. The spiritual principle of surrender invites us to let go of our striving and trust that we are always held in the embrace of the Divine’s love. Like the flowers of the field, we are clothed in a splendour that flows from the very heart of the Divine, revealing the sacred in the ordinary aspects of our lives.


  1. How can I cultivate a deeper trust in the Divine’s loving presence in my life, even amidst the challenges and uncertainties I face?

  2. In what ways can I open my eyes to the sacred beauty that surrounds me, and allow it to nourish my soul and deepen my connection to the Divine?


Divine Beloved, help me to surrender my striving and trust in the unfolding of my life according to Your loving design. May I find comfort and inspiration in the beauty of creation, and may it always remind me of Your constant presence and care.

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