Make An Enquiry

February 17 – The Wisdom of the Boab Tree

Jesus replied, “Martha, Martha! You’re anxious and upset about so many things, but only a few things are necessary—really only one.” (Luke 10:41-42)

The ancient Boab trees of the Kimberley region have adapted to the harsh, seasonally dry environment by storing water in their bulbous trunks during times of drought. The Boab tree teaches us a spiritual lesson: in a world filled with countless distractions and demands on our time and energy, it is essential to focus on what is most important for our spiritual growth and well-being.

Just as Jesus gently reminded Martha that only one thing was necessary amidst her anxious busyness, the Boab tree invites us to reflect on what we hold most dear in our lives. By directing our resources—time, energy, and attention—to nurturing our connection with the Divine and cultivating compassion for others, we create a reservoir of inner strength and resilience that sustains us through life’s inevitable dry spells. The Boab tree’s wisdom echoes the timeless truth that when we prioritise the “one thing” that truly matters, we find the clarity and peace to withstand challenges.


  1. What are the “many things” that I find myself anxious and upset about, and how can I refocus my energy on what truly matters?

  2. How can I cultivate a deeper connection with the Divine and create a reservoir of inner strength to sustain me through life’s challenges?


Divine Presence, guide me to prioritise what is most essential for my spiritual growth and well-being. Help me to let go of distractions and anxieties, and to trust in the wisdom of focusing on the “one thing” that truly matters.

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