February 18 – The Wisdom of Solitude

Jesus went up into the hills by himself to pray. (Mark 6:46)
In the stillness of the night, the Boobook Owl perches silently on a eucalyptus branch, its keen eyes surveying the landscape below. This wise creature embodies the power of solitude and introspection, qualities that Jesus himself sought when he retreated to the hills to pray. In those quiet moments, away from the demands and distractions of daily life, Jesus is depicted as finding clarity, strength, and a deeper connection to the Divine.
We too need periods of solitude and self-reflection. In a world that often values constant activity and noise, it takes courage to step away and embrace the silence. Yet, it is in these moments of stillness that we can begin to hear the whispers of our own hearts and the gentle guidance of the Spirit. By carving out time for introspection and prayer, we open ourselves to the transformative power of grace, allowing it to shape us and our understanding of the world in ways we may never have imagined.
When was the last time I intentionally sought out solitude and silence? How did it impact my perspective and sense of connection to the sacred?
What fears or distractions prevent me from embracing moments of introspection and prayer? How can I overcome these obstacles and prioritise time for self-reflection?
Divine Presence, grant me the courage to embrace solitude and introspection, trusting that in the stillness, I will find a deeper connection to You and the wisdom to navigate life’s complexities with grace and understanding.