February 2 – The Enduring Presence

For the mountains may disappear and the hills may depart, but my love will never leave you. (Isaiah 54:10)
The Great Dividing Range, a vast chain of mountains stretching along Australia’s east coast, has stood as a silent witness to the passage of time. These ancient peaks, formed millions of years ago, have been slowly worn down by the relentless forces of erosion. The wind, rain, and the weight of countless seasons have reshaped the landscape, carving valleys and smoothing the once-jagged ridges. Yet, despite the ever-changing nature of the physical world, there remains an unwavering constant—the love of the Divine.
In a world where change is the only constant, where the familiar can disappear, and the certain can become uncertain, it is comforting to know that there is an unshakable foundation—a love that transcends time and space. This love is not dependent on the stability of the external world but is rooted in the very essence of the Divine. It is a love that embraces all of creation, from the mightiest mountain to the smallest creature, and it reminds us that even amidst the chaos and uncertainty of life, we are never alone.
How can I find solace in the enduring presence of Divine love, even as the world around me changes and shifts?
In what ways can I cultivate a deeper trust in the constancy of God’s love, allowing it to be my anchor in times of transition and uncertainty?
Divine Presence, help me to rest in the assurance of Your unchanging love. May I find peace in the knowledge that, no matter what mountains may crumble or hills may fade away, Your love will always remain.