February 24 – Welcoming the Stranger

Do not mistreat or oppress foreigners, for you once were foreigners in Egypt. (Exodus 22:21)
The red-necked stint, a small shorebird, embarks on a remarkable journey each year, migrating from the harsh tundra of Siberia to the warm shores of Australia. Just as the red-necked stint overcomes countless obstacles in its search for a more hospitable environment, many people around the world are compelled to leave their homes and brave treacherous paths in pursuit of safety, freedom, and a better life.
As we witness the red-necked stint’s awe-inspiring migration, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all beings and the universal yearning for a place to call home. The Bible calls us to extend compassion and support to those who find themselves in foreign lands, recognising that we all desire a welcoming place to call home. By embracing the diversity of God’s creation and opening our hearts to those who have journeyed far from their origins, we honour the sacred bond that unites all living things and celebrate the resilience of the human spirit.
How can I cultivate a deeper sense of empathy and understanding for those who have been forced to leave their homes and start anew in foreign lands?
In what ways can I create a more welcoming and inclusive community that celebrates the diversity of God’s creation?
Divine Creator, may I always remember that we are all interconnected, and that each person’s journey is sacred. Grant me the wisdom and compassion to welcome the stranger, to offer support and understanding to those who have traveled far, and to honour the resilience that is present in all of Your creation.