February 28 – The Wonders of Creation

For all these mysteries I thank you— for the wonder of myself, for the wonder of your works— my soul knows it well. (Psalm 139:14)
Wallaman Falls in North Queensland is Australia’s highest single-drop waterfall, plunging 268 meters into a deep gorge. It exemplifies the awe-inspiring scale and grandeur of God’s waterways. As the water cascades down the sheer cliff face, it creates a thunderous roar and a misty spray that dances in the sunlight, revealing a breathtaking spectrum of colours. This magnificent display of power and beauty serves as a reminder of the intricate complexity and interconnectedness of all creation.
Just as the Wallaman Falls is a testament to the wonders of the natural world, our own existence is a profound mystery that speaks to the divine artistry woven into the fabric of the universe. Each person is a unique and complex tapestry of physical, emotional, and spiritual elements, intricately designed and deeply connected to the greater web of life. As we contemplate the marvels of our own being and the world around us, we are drawn into a deeper appreciation for the sacred nature of all that exists, recognising that every aspect of creation is imbued with God’s presence and love.
How can I cultivate a deeper sense of wonder and gratitude for the mysteries of my own existence and the beauty of the natural world?
In what ways can I recognise and honour the Divine presence that permeates all of creation, including myself and those around me?
Creator of all, open my eyes to the wonders of Your creation, both within me and in the world around me. May I approach each day with a profound sense of awe and gratitude for the sacred beauty that permeates all of existence.