February 4 – Fleeting Brilliance

My life is as short as a hand’s breadth; its span is nothing in your sight. (Psalm 39:5)
Each May, the Southern Hemisphere is graced with the beauty of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower. These celestial streaks of light, born from the remnants of Halley’s Comet, flash across the night sky in a breathtaking display of cosmic artistry. Yet, as quickly as they appear, they vanish into the vast expanse of the universe, reminding us of the fleeting nature of our own existence.
In the grand tapestry of creation, our lives are but a single thread, woven into the infinite complexity of the cosmos. The psalmist recognises this profound truth, acknowledging that our earthly journey is but a brief moment in the eyes of the Divine. Just as the meteors burn brightly for an instant before fading away, we too are called to shine our light in the world, making the most of the precious time we have been given. In embracing the transient nature of life, we open ourselves to the sacred present, where we can experience the fullness of God’s love and grace in each passing moment.
How can I embrace the present moment and make the most of the time I have been given?
In what ways can I shine my light in the world, knowing that my life is a precious and fleeting gift?
Divine Presence, help me to cherish each moment of my life as a sacred gift. May I live with purpose and compassion, radiating Your love in the world.