Make An Enquiry

February 5 – Creative Diversity

For the God who made the world and all that is in it, the Sovereign of heaven and earth, doesn’t live in sanctuaries made by human hands. (Acts 17:24)

In the southern region of Western Australia lies the Stirling Range, a series of rugged peaks that rise abruptly from the surrounding plains. This isolated mountain range is home to an astonishing array of endemic plant species, found nowhere else on Earth. These unique flora, shaped by the complex interplay of geology, climate, and time, stand as a testament to the boundless creativity of the Divine.

Just as the Stirling Range’s endemic plants have emerged through the intricate dance of natural forces, so too does the diversity of life on Earth reflect the infinite imagination of the Creator. The Bible reminds us that the Sovereign of heaven and earth, the source of all that is, cannot be contained within the sanctuaries we construct. Instead, we are invited to recognise the sacred in the world around us, in the intricate beauty of a flower, in the resilience of a tiny seedling pushing through the soil, and in the countless expressions of life that fill our planet.


  1. How can I open my eyes to see the handiwork of the Divine in the natural world around me?

  2. In what ways can I honour the sacred creativity that gives rise to the diversity of life on Earth?


Creator of all, help me to recognise your presence in the intricate beauty of the world around me. May I approach each day with a sense of wonder and reverence for the sacred diversity that flows from Your infinite imagination.

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Make An Enquiry