April 18 – The Riches of Faith
“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” (James 2:5)
In the outback, the hardy spinifex grass thrives in the harsh, arid conditions that many other plants cannot endure. Though often overlooked, this unassuming plant plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, providing shelter and nutrients for a diverse array of wildlife. Similarly, God often chooses those who are considered insignificant or disadvantaged by worldly standards to be rich in faith and to inherit His kingdom. St. Francis, who embraced a life of poverty, understood the true wealth found in a deep relationship with God. As we seek to build inclusive communities, let us remember that every person, regardless of their status or background, has the potential to make a valuable contribution.
How can I look beyond worldly measures of success and value the unique spiritual gifts that each person brings?
In what ways can I create an environment where those who are often marginalised can thrive and share their faith?
Loving God, help me to see the inherent worth in every person, just as you have chosen the humble spinifex to play a vital role in the outback. May I build a community that nurtures and celebrates the faith of all.