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St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

Eleanor O’Donnell : Power & God
Download the episode here

Looking Back and Looking Forward: A Celebration of women’s leadership in the Anglican Church

Saturday, 27th July 2024
10.30am – 4.30pm
St John’s Cathedral

Mystics, Theologians & God-Botherers

The Rev’d Claye Middleton
Deliverance Ministry
Sunday,4th August 2024

Live Stream for Weddings, Funerals and Worship
Click here to access the stream of the Service

St John’s Cathedral is home to a community which seeks to bring the best of Anglican tradition into dialogue with the issues and needs of our day.

We strive for open-minded conversation, seek to practice inclusion, and reflect on how we might see our beliefs put into action. We want this to be a place where people are encouraged to seek God and progress their own spiritual journeys.

The Cathedral itself, a renowned Brisbane landmark, serves as a magnet, where diverse people gather to worship, celebrate, seek solace, converse and learn.

Peter Catt +
Dean of Brisbane

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Here you will find quick links to two weeks of Service Notes for each of our four Sunday services.

These will be updated each Thursday –
“THIS WEEK” covers the coming Sunday;
“LAST WEEK” the preceding Sunday.

Click the title bar or ‘+’ button to toggle open your chosen week and select the service time.

7.30am Holy Eucharist – Sundays
Click here for Live Stream on The Cathedral YouTube Channel
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 7.15am Sunday
Click here for Service Notes

9.30am Choral Eucharist – Sundays
Click here for Live Stream on The Cathedral YouTube Channel
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 9.15am Sunday
Click here for Service Notes

6.00pm Choral Evensong – Sundays

Live Stream Sundays at 6pm
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 5.45pm Sunday

Click here to access Service Notes

Morning Prayer 
Monday to Friday

Details on Services Page

To access an electronic copy of the Prayer Book, please email:


Welcome to St John’s Cathedral. The news items below highlight topics of general interest.
For details of special events and concerts at the Cathedral please see the WHAT’S ON page.
You may find information about our regular worship times on the SERVICES page.

The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) has listed The Cathedral and The Deanery (Adelaide House) because of their significance to the heritage of Queensland and Australia more broadly. Adelaide House was the first Government House when Queensland was created on 10th December 1859. The balcony on which Sir George Bowen read the proclamation that day has been the subject of a great deal of work to restore it to a stable and safe condition. The cathedral is the only stone-vaulted church in the Southern hemisphere and is highly regarded as a sublime example of neo-gothic architecture. Donations to the Cathedral fund are used to enhance and presence the fabric of the magnificent building.

Donations to the National Trust of Australia (Queensland) for these appeals are allowable as deductions for tax purposes.

Find out more on our DEANERY APPEAL page.


Eleanor O’Donnell : Power & God

Australian priest, teacher and author, Eleanor O’Donnell joins the podcast to talk about the way we understand power, hierarchy and divinity. How do we talk about God when that word conjures a big other, looking down from a throne in the sky directing the traffic on earth? The language instead of a God who offers power “with” rather than power “over”, draws us into sacred relationship with one another and all creation. Abundant imaginative possibilities emerge in a life lived in the presence of the God who not only names us beloved, but invites our participation in the ongoing creation. To discover this is to step into a universe of abundance where the Spirit holds all in love and grace..  

Download the episode here


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Scan or click on the QR code above, to visit our GIVE page on this website: you may make an offering to our Cathedral and its work – either as a one-off or recurring gift –
using a credit card by clicking on the
green GIVE NOW button or the
GENERAL DONATIONS image block, which will open a simple, pop-up form without you having to leave this site.

MORE INFO: please visit our GIVE page


As part of their Safe, Strong Communities* program, Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA) is working closely with the Christian Care Centre (CCC) in Guadacanal province, Solomon Islands.


Click for more

As part of their Safe, Strong Communities* program, Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA) is working closely with the Christian Care Centre (CCC) in Guadacanal province, Solomon Islands.

The CCC is an important refuge for women in the Solomon Islands, one of only a few places women can go to receive shelter and support in situations of domestic violence. It is owned and run by AOA partner, the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) with Anglican Sisters managing and delivering services and programs.

 At the Anglican Sisters’ request, Anglican Overseas Aid worked with ACOM to deliver training to the Sisters so that they can teach the women about financial literacy matters like saving, budgeting and business building. Teaching such skills to vulnerable women that come to them for refuge helps to give them more independence and control over their lives, and better equips them to take care of their family and children. Financial skills also help them navigate stressful budget situations at home that impact their relationships.

With their own new learning about financial literacy, the Sisters talk to the women about money during their ongoing existing activities which include handicrafts and vocational sessions. They teach the women how to identify financial problems, budget, set achievable goals and saving plans, and give them insight into opportunities to earn money.

During their time at the Christian Care Centre, survivors talk with the Sisters, giving them the opportunity to discuss their relationships and home life. The chance to counsel survivors is invaluable. To help them with this, the Sisters also attend training about gender relations from a Christian-values-based perspective. This is an important part of addressing the underlying causes of gender-based violence and the traditional ideas that contribute to the harm the survivors have experienced.

With the benefit of such training, the Anglican Sisters are able to positively influence the women, giving them skills to rebuild their lives when they leave the CCC. One Anglican Sister, Sister Daisy, shared how they shine light into the lives of vulnerable women. The women are in four groups, each group sharing a house with two of the Sisters who look after them, listen to them, (sometimes overnight), and monitor them, to help them heal.

“When they come here, [the women] have the time to … dedicate themselves to learning. Some have been victims all their lives, and their husbands have not allowed them a space to learn other things to … help themselves.”

“I have seen women leave here and live good lives, some now hold very important jobs in government ministries because these mothers are well-educated. It was from … this violence, that they were not able to reach their potential.”

When women leave the Centre and return to their homes, the Anglican Sisters follow their progress, checking how they are, sometimes just listening and giving advice.

Such changes now offer young people in these Solomon Island villages a very different start to life, all because of the work of Anglican Overseas Aid which benefits their mums, aunties, and grandmothers.

At St John’s, we are committed to helping the vulnerable, and ending domestic violence. Can we contribute towards this life-changing Anglican Overseas Aid project in the Solomon Islands which has proven positive results?

Donations to Anglican Overseas Aid are tax deductible. Outreach envelopes for July are available at the Outreach Board in the narthex. Please place your donation in an Outreach envelope and place it in the Donations Box, give it to a cathedral warden, or to the Cathedral Office Monday-Friday. If you wish to receive a tax-deductible receipt, please write your name and address on the envelope. Using electronic banking, make a bank transfer to BSB 034 003 Account No:385378. Please narrate your deposit “Outreach 07” and also e-mail to inform us of your deposit (include the amount), and provide your postal/email details for the receipt. For other forms of payment, please phone the cathedral office [(07) 3835 2222] during normal business hours Monday-Friday. Cheques should be made payable to Anglican Overseas Aid. Receipts will be provided after the July appeal is completed, usually in August. Thank you.


*The Safe Strong Communities Project receives some funding from the Australian Government, through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

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