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St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane




Looking for Life’s Meaning

What are the biggest questions that would stay with you across your life? Is there a God? Why is there something, not nothing, and what can it possibly all mean? How can we live a good life? Richard Holloway joins the podcast once again from Edinburgh to share some of his reflections on these questions which have shaped his life.

Mystics, Theologians and God-BotherersAlan Turing (1912-1954) with The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood

Sunday 2 February 2025

Wasting Time With God  Stephen HarrisonWhat is the work of Anglicare and what might it mean for the wider church?

First Wednesday in the Month
5 February 2025 at 9.30am
Darnell Room

Live Stream for Weddings, Funerals and Worship
Click here to access the stream of the Service

St John’s Cathedral is home to a community which seeks to bring the best of Anglican tradition into dialogue with the issues and needs of our day.

We strive for open-minded conversation, seek to practice inclusion, and reflect on how we might see our beliefs put into action. We want this to be a place where people are encouraged to seek God and progress their own spiritual journeys.

The Cathedral itself, a renowned Brisbane landmark, serves as a magnet, where diverse people gather to worship, celebrate, seek solace, converse and learn.

Peter Catt +
Dean of Brisbane

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Here you will find quick links to two weeks of Service Notes for each of our four Sunday services.

These will be updated each Thursday –
“THIS WEEK” covers the coming Sunday;
“LAST WEEK” the preceding Sunday.

Click the title bar or ‘+’ button to toggle open your chosen week and select the service time.


7.30am Holy Eucharist – Sundays
Click here for Live Stream on The Cathedral YouTube Channel
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 7.15am Sunday
Click here for Service Notes

9.30am Sung Eucharist – Sundays
Click here for Live Stream on The Cathedral YouTube Channel
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 9.15am Sunday
Click here for Service Notes

6.00pm Choral Evensong

Live Stream Sundays at 6pm
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 5.45pm Sunday

Click here to access Service Notes

Morning Prayer 
Monday to Friday

Details on Services Page

To access an electronic copy of the Prayer Book, please email:

Streamed Services available as Recordings anytime

Cathedral YouTube Channel

Latest additions

January 5: The Epiphany

Labyrinth Walk

Sung Eucharist

7.30am Eucharist

Children’s Talk


December 29: First Sunday After Christmass

Sung Eucharist

7.30am Eucharist

Children’s Talk


December 25: Christmass Morning

Choral Eucharist

7.30am Eucharist


December 24: Christmass Eve

The Midnight Eucharist

God with us: Lessons and Carols


Check out the YouTube Channel and click on “LIVE” for more Liturgies


Welcome to St John’s Cathedral. The news items below highlight topics of general interest.
For details of special events and concerts at the Cathedral please see the WHAT’S ON page.
You may find information about our regular worship times on the SERVICES page.

The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) has listed The Cathedral and The Deanery (Adelaide House) because of their significance to the heritage of Queensland and Australia more broadly. Adelaide House was the first Government House when Queensland was created on 10th December 1859. The balcony on which Sir George Bowen read the proclamation that day has been the subject of a great deal of work to restore it to a stable and safe condition. The cathedral is the only stone-vaulted church in the Southern hemisphere and is highly regarded as a sublime example of neo-gothic architecture. Donations to the Cathedral fund are used to enhance and presence the fabric of the magnificent building.

Donations to the National Trust of Australia (Queensland) for these appeals are allowable as deductions for tax purposes.

Find out more on our DEANERY APPEAL page.

Welcome. “On the Way” is a series of recorded conversations (podcasts) exploring the deeper mysteries of faith, meaning, and beauty that people from all over the world are able to listen to on their smartphone or computer.

The podcast invites others who are also “on the way” into conversation; seeking a transformative spirituality and inclusive faith that speaks to real issues of today. Together in dialogue and storytelling we seek to make meaning and articulate a Christianity that expresses the liberating and life-giving message of the Gospel in our time.

Links to the published podcasts may be found at here. Note that these are hosted externally by Omny Studio and will open in a new browser tab.

You can also download all the podcasts from the iTunes store, or using your preferred podcast App, including Android. Search by the names “On the Way” or “St John’s Cathedral” and subscribe for free to receive these great conversations straight to your device every month! CDs are also available for those who are unable to access the podcasts online and these are available on the Literature Table in the Cathedral.

To find out more, contact the Cathedral Office by email or phone 3835 2222 during business hours.

Download the episodes here


Our Cathedral has adopted the simple, convenient online payment channel of — designed by and for churches — and currently used by more than 12,000 churches and ministries in over 50 countries.

Scan or click on the QR code above, to visit our GIVE page on this website: you may make an offering to our Cathedral and its work – either as a one-off or recurring gift –
using a credit card by clicking on the
green GIVE NOW button or the
GENERAL DONATIONS image block, which will open a simple, pop-up form without you having to leave this site.

MORE INFO: please visit our GIVE page

OUTREACH – JANUARY 2025 Friends with Dignity Australia

Friends with Dignity

Research shows that one in three women and one in five men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. They are someone’s sister, brother, mother, father, aunt, uncle, friend – someone we know. Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate by age, gender, culture, religion or economic background. It impacts us all.

Through the provision of financial and tangible resources, programs and scholarships and enhancing the personal safety of individuals, Friends With Dignity focuses on improving the quality of life of any adult and child impacted by Domestic Violence, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality.

Click for more

In collaboration with refuge and crisis centres in Queensland, this volunteer-run not for profit charity also provides practical programs to assist survivors of domestic violence. Such programs include Community engagement, encouraging individuals to speak out against domestic violence, Friend Safe smart watch alarm for victims and survivors, Little Friends Scholarships which provide academic and extracurricular activity support to children, and the Sanctuary Program which transforms houses for victims who have left everything behind.

A Friend Safe Personal Safety Device looks and acts like any other smart watch, with the important additional feature: The ability to connect with emergency services any time of the day or night 365 days a year, with the push of a button, eliminating the need for a phone.

Little Friends Scholarships to the value of $500 per child are specifically for children financially impacted by Domestic and Family Violence. They help children with the ability to either further their education and/or be able to participate in extra-curricular activities that they may not be able to pursue due to the financial impact of Domestic and Family Violence.

Unfortunately, the number of applications received for these scholarships far exceeds the available funding.

 The Friends With Dignity Sanctuary Program transforms houses into homes for people who have escaped domestic violence to start their new journey with dignity, free from abuse. Using household and personal care items, gift cards and financial donations given by supporters, Friends with Dignity work on a referral basis through registered agencies. Urgent requests are filled for people waiting in refuges, or that have already settled in their new homes. They may have just arrived in refuge and need some nappies for their baby, toiletries for themselves, or they may have just moved into their new home and need basic kitchen items.

Some other examples of urgent requests are driving lessons for a bicycle to help a little friend get to and from school, school fees and book lists, a mum learning independence for the first time, funds to assist with training for a new job, baby items for a mum 8 months pregnant and leaving an abusive relationship, removalist costs to help a family escape a violent home, …and the list goes on.

At St John’s, we are committed to improving the lives of adult and child survivors of domestic violence. Can we contribute at least $1,000 (the equivalent of 2 Little Friend Scholarships) towards the work of Friends With Dignity?

Donations to this appeal are tax deductible. Outreach envelopes for January are available at the Outreach Board in the Narthex. Please place your donation in an Outreach envelope and place it in the Donations Box, give it to a cathedral warden, or to the Cathedral Office Monday-Friday. If you need a receipt, please write your name and address on the envelope. Using electronic banking, make a bank transfer to BSB 034 003 Account No:385378. Please narrate your deposit “Outreach 01” and e-mail to inform us of your deposit (including the amount), and provide your postal/email details for the receipt. For other forms of payment, please phone the cathedral office [(07) 3835 2222] during normal business hours Monday-Friday. Cheques should be made payable to Friends With Dignity. Receipts will be provided after the January appeal is completed, usually in March. Thank you.

Make An Enquiry