Make An Enquiry


Image of light effects through stained glass window

Each week the Dean offers a reflection through which he seeks to speak to the world in which we live and to explore how our life and faith intersect.

The riches of the Christian and other spiritual traditions, poetry, art, music and the writings of commentators who are trying to make sense of our lives and create a better world are brought together.

Click here to read the collection


Each Friday Cathedral community member, and “self-discovered” medieval and liturgical historian, Blair Martin, leads interested folk in reflections and discussion on how we connect the ancient stories and rituals of Feast Days to the world as we experience it today, developing a sense of purpose & meaning for our disrupted and changed lives. Along the way the focus is also on matters of social justice and our call to be “Saints on a Mission”, living out the Great Commission – to be “Easter People” living in the Resurrection and bringing the good news of the gospel to the lives of those around us.

Click here to visit the Saints on a Mission page


Tuesdays @ 6.45pm

Have you ever thought about meditation? You have probably heard of it just as a way of destressing or lowering your blood pressure. But meditation is also an ancient form of contemplative prayer, found throughout the ages of the Christian tradition … It is a prayer of silence, stillness and attention. It is also referred to as the prayer of the heart. In meditation we allow the mind and body to become still and silent so we can be in the presence of ‘Christ in us’. (Laurence Freeman OSB)

A weekly meditation group meets in the Cathedral at 6:45pm every Tuesday night. It is preceded by a shared meal in The Cathedral at 5.30pm. Each session will involve a short teaching segment using talks from spiritual leaders before a period of silent meditation. The group is open to both those who already practise meditation and to those who have never before explored this form of prayer.

To find our more, please contact Julia Van Den Bos by email or phone (07) 3835 2219 (work).

For more information about Christian meditation, please visit



On the second Wednesday of each month we hold a Contemplative Eucharist in the Sanctuary, gathered around the High Altar. This service provides a way of holding space for each of us to contemplate the Great Mystery embodied in the bread and wine, and allows us to meet God in the depths of quiet and stillness. It begins with silent meditation at 5.30pm, then transitions into the Eucharist at 6.00pm.


Take time for something important: first Wednesday each month

We, as modern people, spend our time in so many different ways. The demands of life can seem hectically varied at times, and can feel difficult to get some time to ourselves, let alone make time for nourishing our faith.

Our Wasting Time with God (WTWG) series was created with the intention of providing a regular time to come and “waste” our time on something revitalising – taking a morning out each month to simply spend time with God, and to be introduced to the various ways God is at work in the world. Each session starts in the Cathedral with a time of prayer and quiet reflection, before a shared morning tea and an inspiring discussion with someone who is working with God in some way.

The range of personalities and topics is eclectic, entertaining and enlightening. All are welcome to join us and details of each month’s WTWG can be found in Monthly Notices (download from the Community Page on our website).

All are welcome to join us.

The Journey 2024: God’s story, your story, my story.
Sundays 4-5pm
via ZOOM

Those who want to take stock of their lives using a spiritual focus;  Those considering baptism for themselves or for their children; Exploring the art of storytelling as a way to discern God’s call on our lives.

Click here for further information

Who is The Journey for?  
Those considering confirmation;  
Those who want to become an Anglican;  
Those wanting to discern some future direction for their life;
Those interested in unpacking the faith. 


What is the process?
The Christian faith is a way of life. Entering into a way of life requires reflection.
Christians are people who seek to live out the way of love. We seek to follow Jesus who,  in his own life, demonstrated that we were made by God, who is love, for love. God’s  love gives us the energy to love in turn. Since we are made for love, we each have a  purpose. The Journey exists to enable people to discover what this truth means for  them.
The process aims to give people the space to test and then find their own way into this  way of life. It takes what has happened in life to this point seriously. We believe that by  reflecting on our life-story we discover how God has been at work in our lives since  before we were born, and also identify ways in which we, as unique people, are to  respond to this. We discover the way in which God’s love for us can shape our  relationships, inform our motives, and help us find deep happiness.  

How does it work?  
By allowing those involved to ask questions, to talk over issues, share insights and to  learn about specific areas that interest them. This takes place within small groups.  

Why this way?  
We learn most effectively when we are seeking answers to questions that matter to us. 

Attending via Zoom:

Click here to join zoom 

or your phone – 07 3185 3730, enter Meeting ID: 894 0003 0380#, Passcode: 885493# and then Participant ID: #.  

For more information please contact:
The Dean, Peter Catt, or phone 3835 2239.

Labyrinth Walk
1st Sunday of the month from 11.15am
In person and via ZOOM

Click here for more
A Walk Along The Transfigured Path
Please meet at the Labyrinth under the Rose Window in the Northern Transept or join online (both live and later available via the Cathedral’s YouTube channel).
Walking the Labyrinth occurs on the first Sunday of each month following the 9.30am Eucharist. If you have not walked the Labyrinth before, you would be most welcome to join the group who regularly do so. Please join us to walk the Labyrinth – we meet under the Rose Window.
(The walk will also be available on the Cathedral YouTube Channel – from 11.15am, and will be available to watch at a later time.

Click here for what’s on page with current walking notes and links to previous walks


Exploring Christianity’s Great Mystical Condition

The Mystics, Theologians and God-Botherers (MTGBs) series occurs on the first Sunday of each month from February to October during the 6.00pm Evensong. Each instalment features a guest preacher presenting the life and teachings of one of Christianity’s Mystic figures.

The range of personalities and topics is eclectic, entertaining and enlightening, with wine, cheese and discussion to follow each presentation. All are welcome to join us and details of each month’s MTGBs can be found in Monthly Notices (download from the Community Page on our website).

All are welcome to join us.

Conversations online and in your own time

“On the Way” is a series of recorded conversations exploring the deeper mysteries of faith, meaning, and beauty that people from all over the world are able to listen to on their Smartphone or computer.

The podcast invites others who are also “on the way” into conversation; seeking a transformative spirituality and inclusive faith that speaks to real issues of today. Together in dialogue and storytelling we seek to make meaning and articulate a Christianity that expresses the liberating and life-giving message of the Gospel in our time.

To access our growing library of podcasts, either click here or on the image above, or select the PODCASTS page from the main drop-down menu.


Occurring regularly throughout the year

Throughout the year we hold regular study groups. Sometimes these coincide with particular church seasons such as Lent or Advent. Other times they occur in ‘normal time’ and are a great way of engaging one’s faith regardless of season.

More information in Monthly Notices or on this website.

Make An Enquiry