Candlelight Concerts
Experience classical music like never before
Candlelight concerts in the Cathedral are a unique musical and sensorial experience created by the stunning ambience of candlelight. These concerts allow you to enjoy some of the most famous works of classical music in a completely new way. Concerts are held at 6.30pm & 8.30pm and tickets from $32 are selling fast.
Click for concert schedule and booking details
Candlelight Concert Schedule:
6.30pm and 8.30pm (unless otherwise noted)
January 24 (Fri-6.30pm)
A Tribute to Queen & The Beatles
January 24 (Fri-8.30pm)
A Tribute to Adele
January 25 (Sat-9am,11am,1pm)
Mindful Glow: Candlelit Sound Bath
January 25 (Sat)
Hans Zimmer’s Best Works
February 7 (Fri-6.30pm)
Bowie to Pink Floyd – Rock Ballards
February 7 (Fri-8.30pm)
Rings & Dragons
February 8 (Sat-9am,11am,1pm)
Mindful Glow: Candlelit Sound Bath
February 8 (Sat)
Best of Joe Hisaishi
February 14 (Fri)
Timeless Love Songs from Classic Films
February 20 (Thu)
Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake & More
February 27 (Thu-6.30pm)
Hans Zimmer’s Best Work
February 27 (Thu-8.30pm)
A Tribute to Coldplay
March 6 (Thu)
Best of Bridgerton on Strings
March 8 (Sat-6.30pm)
Rings & Dragons
March 8 (Sat-8.30pm)
A Tribute to Coldplay & Imagine Dragons
March 13 (Thu)
Best of Joe Hisaishi
March 15 (Sat)
Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake & More
March 20 (Thu)
Best of Bridgerton on Strings
March 22 (Sat)
A Tribute to Coldplay
🪑 Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone. Book early as tickets selling fast!
Further information and Tickets:
Ministry of Laying-on of Hands
Also available at other times –
Please contact the office
Click for more
Following the example of Jesus, and his explicit instructions to his disciples, the ministry of healing for any kind of disease or distress is an integral part of the proclamation and application of the Gospel of compassion.
It is administered by the “Laying on of Hands with prayer” by a priest gently touching the head or shoulders of the person in need. No questions are asked although a person may, if they wish, give their name or a brief description of their concern. It is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged, to receive this ministry on behalf of another who cannot be present.
Those who wish to receive this ministry are invited to make their way to the Lady Chapel (north side of the Cathedral) following the reception of Communion.
The Ministry of Laying on of Hands with Anointing is also available at other times, including after each act of worship. Please contact the Cathedral Office.
Click for more
Click here to read: ‘What is Spiritual Direction?’
Spiritual Direction sessions are now available at the Cathedral. To find out more, please contact Glynis by email
Offsite events, particular theme days/weeks or festivals which might be of wider interest are more likely to be found in the GENERAL NEWS section on the home page of this website. This is not a hard-and-fast rule: we will be keeping an eye on the dispersal of information across this new website, to try to minimise the number of clicks and cross-reference links needed.
Regarding links, some of the events featured here (and on the home page) may require registration, ticketing or booking fees. Where this is the case, either the event image or a specific text link should take you to the relevant (external) website for more details.
Please note that St John’s Cathedral provides such information in good faith and cannot be responsible for the veracity or otherwise of such links. If you find a link is broken or are concerned about its redirection, please contact the Cathedral office during business hours, 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, or by email
Mystics, Theologians and God-Botherers – Alan Turing (1912-1954) with The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood
Sunday 2 February 2025
Click for more
All are welcome to join us.
Christian Meditation Group
Tuesday evening
The Mediation Group is now meeting again in the Cathedral and also by Zoom.
To join by Zoom please either:
Click this Link
or To join by phone ring (07) 3185 3730 and enter these details: Meeting ID: 278 417 931#; Passcode: 042853#; Participant:#
Tuesday Coffee
10.30am to 11.30am
Relax for an hour having a coffee and chat online with various members of the Cathedral community. Bring your coffee (or other preferred cuppa) and be welcomed into the conversation on Tuesdays from 10.30am.
By phone – (07) 3185 3730, enter Meeting ID: 885 952 546#, Passcode: 399344# and then Participant ID: #.
Labyrinth Walk
1st Sunday of the month
from 11.15am
2 February 2025
A Walk Along The Path of Light (Candlemas)
Click here for more
Celebrating the end of the Christmas/Epiphany season and the preparation for the coming season of Gesimatide, we will walk the path of light together.
The walk will be available on the Cathedral YouTube Channel – from 11.15am, and will be available to watch at a later time.
Click here for walking notes
Click here for previous Labyrinth Walks
Wine Before Breakfast
First Friday of the Month
Wine Before Breakfast (WBB) held on the first Friday of the month, combines the 7am Friday morning Eucharist with alternative readings from poetry, reflections and other sources with musical offerings that match the theme of the day. Followed by breakfast at a nearby café. All are welcome!
Click here for more
Wine Before Breakfast (WBB) combines the 7am Friday morning Eucharist with alternative readings from poetry, reflections and other sources with musical offerings that match the theme of the day. Focus is on the world around us, concentrating on issues of social justice, community and living out the truth of the Gospel message.
After the Eucharist, please join us for a nourishing breakfast with convivial company & conversation at a nearby café (venue will be advised in the liturgy notes). No-one is turned away for lack of funds. Please come & share your light and life.
All are welcome!
Wasting Time With God Stephen Harrison – What is the work of Anglicare and what might it mean for the wider church?
First Wednesday in the Month
5 February 2025 at 9.30am
Darnell Room
Click for more
Event Info: This event will be held in person and on Zoom and will begin with a short prayer service at 9.30am. The presentation and discussion will follow at 9.40am until 10.30am when the session will end with worship and then morning tea from 10.35am.
Zoom link or (video/audio) or your phone – 07 3185 3730, enter Meeting ID: 823 3447 0652#, Passcode: 303180# and then Participant ID: #.
The Journey 2025:
God’s story, your story, my story.
Sundays 4-5pm
via ZOOM
Those who want to take stock of their lives using a spiritual focus; Those considering baptism for themselves or for their children;
Exploring the art of storytelling as a way to discern God’s call on our lives.
Click here for more
Who is The Journey for?
Those considering confirmation;
Those who want to become an Anglican;
Those wanting to discern some future direction for their life;
Those interested in unpacking the faith.
What is the process?
The Christian faith is a way of life. Entering into a way of life requires reflection.
Christians are people who seek to live out the way of love. We seek to follow Jesus who, in his own life, demonstrated that we were made by God, who is love, for love. God’s love gives us the energy to love in turn. Since we are made for love, we each have a purpose. The Journey exists to enable people to discover what this truth means for them.
The process aims to give people the space to test and then find their own way into this way of life. It takes what has happened in life to this point seriously. We believe that by reflecting on our life-story we discover how God has been at work in our lives since before we were born, and also identify ways in which we, as unique people, are to respond to this. We discover the way in which God’s love for us can shape our relationships, inform our motives, and help us find deep happiness.
How does it work?
By allowing those involved to ask questions, to talk over issues, share insights and to learn about specific areas that interest them. This takes place within small groups.
Why this way?
We learn most effectively when we are seeking answers to questions that matter to us.
Attending via Zoom:
Click here to join via Zoom
or your phone – 07 3185 3730, enter Meeting ID: 894 0003 0380#, Passcode: 885493# and then Participant ID: #.
For more information please contact:
The Dean, Peter Catt, or phone 3835 2239.
Coffee on Wednesdays
10.00am to 2.00pm
Good friends, good food, great conversation. All are most welcome!
Thursdays, 2.30pm-3.30pm
Resumes 30 January 2025
Wednesdays, 11am-12noon
Resumes 19 February 2025
Saturday February 8
9.30 – 1130am
Click for more...
Engaging with politics and government is a key strategy of a missional church. Embodying our Marks of Mission calls us to seek to influence political and policy decisionmakers consistent with the theology and faith of our Anglican tradition. It should also be a priority for any organisation that receives or seeks to receive government funding.
Government Relations is a strategic corporate function, often embedded within organisations or provided by external professional advisors. This session will offer an introduction to some of the models and tactics that underpin effective government relations. The session will also cover foundational topics such as how government works, how parliament works, how to work with a new state government and who are some of the key political stakeholders for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland. This is a ‘how to engage’ session, not a ‘what’ or ‘why’ debate on individual issues or concerns.
The session will be facilitated by one of our own, Fr Daniel Hobbs. Fr Daniel is also a Senior Consultant with government and media relations agency, The SAS Group:
St John’s Cathedral and Doing Justice are hosting this Government Relations 101 training session for our Diocesan family. This is the first in a series planned for 2025 and all members of our Diocese are invited. To register your attendance or to obtain more information, please contact
Each Week we provide two video talks for Children. These appear on the Cathedral’s Facebook page and YouTube Channel on Thursday and Sunday mornings at 9.30am. The talks encourage and enable engagement with the Christian narrative and the themes and festivals associated with the Church Year. Many of the talks have resources associated with them.
Click here for The Cathedral FaceBook page
St John’s Cathedral Community Visioning and Planning Day
Saturday, 1 March 2025 from 9am-4pm
Click for more
Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds: Building a Place of Welcome, Connection and Compassion
* How can we enhance our ministry of welcome?
* How can we deepen connection within and beyond the Cathedral community?
* How can we give expression to our desire to be inclusive and compassionate?
then in the main body of the Cathedral until 4pm. Lunch will be provided.
The Dean, Peter Catt, or phone 07 3835 2239.
Fridays at 10.30am
Resumes 31 January 2025
Join Cathedral community member and “self-discovered” medieval and liturgical historian Blair Martin, leading interested folk in reflections and discussion on how we connect the ancient stories and rituals of Feast Days to the world as we experience it today, developing a sense of purpose & meaning for our disrupted and changed lives. Along the way the focus will also be on matters of social justice and our call to be “Saints on a Mission”, living out the Great Commission – to be “Easter People” living in the Resurrection and bringing the good news of the gospel to the lives of those around us.
Free Morning Concert Series
First Concert in 2025
Thursday, 3rd April 2025
Queensland Conservatorium
~ a ‘taster’ program!
The EfM group is a multi-parish group that has been meeting since 2018. EfM is an Anglican Church accredited adult learning programme, that enables people to discover the connection between Christian faith and their daily life.
Click for more
EfM helps participants to interpret the richness of the church’s faith in our complex world; and to express it with confidence, in both words and actions, in their daily living and their own communities. EfM is formational and transformational for Christian life and ministry. It does not tell you what to believe, as you search for meaning. EfM is open to people of all denominations and faiths.
General information about EfM Australia can be found at the following website:
Participants elect to join up for a year at a time, to form a group that studies scripture and church history with guided texts. Each week we come together to reflect on what has been studied and our own faith questions. There are no exams or set assignments other than the weekly reading and reflections.
The Cathedral EfM group is recommencing on Monday 6 February 2023.
The EfM programme can also be entirely online, through an Australia wide group. Online groups typically commence in February and June each year.
If you are interested and would like more details on either the Cathedral or an online group, please contact: Canon Gary Harch on 0418 132 680, email You can also contact the Dean, Peter Catt.
Acoustic Cathedral
with Dr Michael Knopf
In Recess
Click for more
Dr. Michael Knopf is a concert guitarist and composer, a dedicated teacher and a music researcher from the United States residing in Southeast Queensland.
The Acoustic Cathedral experience is not a recital but an aural aesthetic assistance to help drain away stress/anxiety/pain for all comers. Michael would love to see people of all walks of life, status and condition beneit. He will be playing some original music, classical guitar repertoire and improvisations, each piece aesthetically modified to encourage a relaxed engagement and to impart the sense of beauty, colour and other-worldliness that we sometimes experience within ourselves as we are immersed in better thoughts and feelings.
Michael’s CDs will be available for purchase after the session.
Contemplative Eucharist