Make An Enquiry

May 7 – The Sacred in the Small

“The truth is, every time you did this for the least of my sisters or brothers, you did it for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

In the outback, the tiny budgerigar might easily be overlooked amidst the grandeur of the vast landscape. Yet, this small parrot plays a vital role in the complex ecosystem, dispersing seeds and pollinating plants as it flits from tree to tree. The budgerigar reminds us that even the most unassuming creature bears the sacred imprint of the Divine.

Franciscan spirituality calls us to recognise the presence of God in all things, especially in those who are small, vulnerable, or marginalised. When we extend a hand of compassion to the least among us, we are not merely serving them; we are encountering the very face of Christ. In acts of love and service, no matter how humble, we participate in the great dance of interconnectedness that sustains all life.

1. How can I cultivate a deeper awareness of the sacred in the small, everyday moments of life?

2. In what ways can I extend compassion and care to those who are often overlooked or forgotten?


Divine Creator, open my eyes to see you in the faces of those I encounter, especially in the least of my sisters and brothers. May my heart expand with your love, that I might become an instrument of your tender mercy in this world.



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