Adapting Ministry in Complex Times
“The things we fear most in organisations – fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances – are the primary sources of creativity.” Margaret Wheatly
‘Adapting Ministry in Complex Times’ is an organic co-learning community within the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, hosted by St John’s Cathedral as part of the Resource Churches initiative. It is designed to support parishes as they navigate their future ministry using tools derived from complexity theory. This follows over a decade of proactive direction and collaboration initiated by Cathedral Dean, The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt. The program works closely with facilitators Viv Read and Julie Cunningham from Complexability.
Adapting Ministry in Complex Times is based on work of Dave Snowden. Dave is a world leading pioneer in complexity theory, with training in theology and is active in the Catholic church with particular theological leanings towards liberation theology. He has managed to capture in secular language a concept for the complexity of God in our lives and communities.
Complexity theory provides a framework for understanding and analysing the intricate patterns, behaviours, and dynamics observed in various natural, social, and artificial systems. Key aspects are: network dynamics, adaptation, feedback loops, nonlinearity, self-organisation and emergence. Adapting Ministry in Complex Times acknowledges these dynamics in a parish context.
By attending to the present, parishes are able to discern the direction that the Spirit is calling the community.
2024 Offering
Now in our third year the Adapting Ministry in Complex Times seeks to support parishes individually as they navigate the complexities of parish life in their own unique context.
We are particularly focusing on Mission Action Planning and working with the Rev’d Tim Booth (Ministry Development Officer). We are offering to walk along side parishes who are interested in looking at planning through the lens of emergence and complexity.
If you are interested in this approach, feel free to contact:
Angie Mooney (Cathedral Resource Church Co-ordinator)
This short video provides some context for the 2024 offering (3.5min)
Workshop October 26 2024
New Ways to Engage People in Parish Life
Are you a parish in between priests?
Are you planning community engagement or outreach?
Are you needing to redo your Mission Action Plan?
Do you need to revision your use of properties?
Are you looking for ways of re-invigorating your parish?
Are you facing conflict over on important issue?
Is your faith community trying to address an important social need on your doorstep?
Are you trying to integrate different groups of people?
In settings where there is:
* No straight forward answer
* A range of strong opinions
* A shortage of money and available people to participate
If you’d like some tools to assist you with any of these scenarios, or more, this workshop is for you!
The one day event is open to all parishes, we encourage both laity and clergy to attend. It will be held at St Francis College Milton.
It will be facilitated by Vivienne Read and Julie Cunningham from Complexability Pty Ltd.
This free workshop will be a different format and content from the previous events.
Please register for catering purposes.
Registration link
Embracing God’s Complex World:
a daily devotion for navigating change
This devotional assists in bridging the gap between the world of complex systems and theology and faith. Your welcome to share with your congregation and contacts.
The devotion combines a biblical quote from the Inclusive Bible translation, Franciscan spirituality and patterns found in nature. The following themes are used: Diversity and Inclusion, Humility and Interdependence, Patterns and Wholeness, Adaptation and Resilience, Contemplation and Presence, Compassion and Kinship, Stewardship and Sustainability, Cycles and Impermanence, Hope and Transformation, Beginnings and Emergence. Through the exploration of these themes the intention is to assist in understanding complexity theory in a faith context. It can be found in the Spirituality menu.