Make An Enquiry

The Cathedral is open for worship every day. Visitors are always welcome. Below on this page is a calendar of the Cathedral’s regular service times. You may view the calendar by day, week or month and hover over or click on each entry for more details. In the future we hope to add to the functionality of the calendar to incorporate concerts, seminars, workshops and events. For details of special events and services, please visit the WHAT’S ON page.

Holy Eucharist, 7.30am
Holy Eucharist, 9.30am
Holy Eucharist, 5pm
Advent Choral Offering, 7pm

Monday to Friday
Morning Prayer, 8.30am
Private prayer, 11am to 2pm
Evening Prayer, 4pm

Eucharist, 7am
Tuesday and Friday

Eucharist, 12.30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

Prayer During the Day, 12.30pm
Monday and Thursday.

Cathedral Shop Open
Sundays (following the 7.30am and 9.30am services), Tuesday to Friday 11am  to 2pm

We are live-streaming our 7.30am Eucharist, 9.30am Choral Eucharist and 6pm Evensong Services each Sunday

Here is the link:
St John’s YouTube Channel

Morning Prayer Monday to Friday, 8.30am
in the Cathedral and via Zoom.

Click here to Join via Zoom

To join by phone dial (07) 3185 3730, enter:
Meeting ID: 756 677 854#
Passcode: 075336#
and then Participant ID: #.

To access the electronic form of the prayer book, please send an email to


Holy Communion
Sunday: 7.30am, 9.30am, 5.00pm
Wednesday: 12.30pm

Choral Evensong
Sunday: 6.00pm (Not offered in Advent)
Sundays in Advent: 7.00pm Special Offerings

Children’s Ministry
Sunday: 9.30am


Morning Prayer at 8.30am
Evening Prayer at 4.00pm in the Holy Spirit Chapel

Each morning and evening we pray the Daily Offices. These short services of prayer and readings provide a way of formalising our practice of devotion. The offices help to keep God at the forefront of our minds, and bring us courage to both face and address the world’s challenges with the knowledge that God is with us. They are a beautiful and calming way to both begin and end your day.


NOTE: Due the Covid Pandemic this ministry is currently offered by appointment only

Following the example of Jesus, and his explicit instructions to his disciples, the ministry of healing for any kind of disease or distress is an integral part of the proclamation and application of the Gospel of compassion.

It is administered by the “Laying on of Hands with prayer” by a priest gently touching the head or shoulders of the person in need. No questions are asked although a person may, if they wish, give their name or a brief description of their concern. It is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged, to receive this ministry on behalf of another who cannot be present.

Those who wish to receive this ministry are invited to make their way to the Lady Chapel (north side of the Cathedral) following the reception of Communion.


Celebrating the Eucharist together

Please check the COVID Notice above 

On Sundays we have three opportunities to partake in the Eucharist:

First, at 7.30am there is a spoken service with hymns, which lasts approximately an hour. This is followed by morning tea and fellowship.

Next, at 9.30am, there is a sung Mass, which features one of our splendid choirs 11 months of the year (February-December). This service adheres to the Anglo-Catholic tradition and is wonderfully transformative. There is also Children’s Ministry for the younger ones. This service usually finishes at approximately 11.00am, and is also followed by morning tea and a gathering of community.

Last, there is a spoken service in the Holy Spirit chapel at 5.00pm.


Musical reflections at the day’s end

The Office of Evensong is a time-honoured Anglican tradition of sung evening prayer. Evensong takes place at the Cathedral every Sunday at 6.00pm. Each week we have a different iteration of our Cathedral choir, who consistently provide uplifting music to keep us elevated for the week ahead.


Children are an important part of the worshipping community at St John’s. We love and enjoy the spontaneity and life that they bring with them when they come to worship and when they come as visitors.

The playpen, toys and colouring-in table in the west end of the cathedral near the shop are a permanent part of the cathedral life. They are there for children to use at anytime they wish.

Sunday mornings
Children of all ages are invited to join us on Sundays at 9.30am. During the 9.30am service on Sundays we meet by the playpen to talk, listen to stories and ‘do’ craft. We have fun with paper, cardboard, stickers, playdough, junk and sometimes even food! Parents are welcome to come if needed and children are free to spend as much or as little of the service as they wish in the children’s area. Children often help take the gifts up in the offertory procession and everyone is encouraged to go up to receive either communion or a blessing.

Special interactive liturgies for children take place on Christmass Eve, Good Friday and several other times during the year. Children of any age are invited with friends and family to join us for worship, music and fun.


Each Week we provide a video talk for Children. These appear on the Cathedral’s Facebook page and YouTube Channel on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 9.30am. The talks encourage and enable engagement with the Christian narrative and the themes and festivals associated with the Church Year. Many of the talks have resources associated with them.

Click here for The Cathedral FaceBook page

Click here for the Cathedral YouTube channel 

Click here to access the Resources

Cathedral play area
The Cathedral Play area is available for families to use at all times. For further information or to join the Children’s Ministry mailing list please contact the Reverend Dr Ann Solari by email  or by phone on 0424 423 972

Make An Enquiry